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Access Requests with Opsgenie

With Teleport's Opsgenie integration, engineers can access the infrastructure they need to resolve alerts quickly, without longstanding admin permissions that can become a vector for attacks.

Teleport's Opsgenie integration allows you to treat Teleport Role Access Requests as Opsgenie alerts, notify the appropriate on-call team, and approve or deny the requests via Teleport. You can also configure the plugin to approve Role Access Requests automatically if the user making the request is on the on-call team for a service affected by an alert.

This guide will explain how to set up Teleport's Access Request plugin for Opsgenie.


  • A Teleport Enterprise Cloud account.

  • The Enterprise tctl admin tool and tsh client tool version >= 15.4.5.

    You can verify the tools you have installed by running the following commands:

    tctl version

    Teleport Enterprise v15.4.5 go1.21

    tsh version

    Teleport v15.4.5 go1.21

    You can download these tools by following the appropriate Installation instructions for your environment and Teleport edition.

  • An Opsgenie account with the ability to create API keys with the 'read' and 'create and update' access rights.

  • To check that you can connect to your Teleport cluster, sign in with tsh login, then verify that you can run tctl commands using your current credentials. tctl is supported on macOS and Linux machines.

    For example:

    tsh login --proxy=teleport.example.com --user=email@example.com
    tctl status

    Cluster teleport.example.com

    Version 15.4.5

    CA pin sha256:abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678abdc1245efgh5678

    If you can connect to the cluster and run the tctl status command, you can use your current credentials to run subsequent tctl commands from your workstation. If you host your own Teleport cluster, you can also run tctl commands on the computer that hosts the Teleport Auth Service for full permissions.

Step 1/5. Create services

Create an Opsgenie team named teleport-access-request-notifications.

We will configure the Opsgenie plugin to create an alert for the teleport-access-request-notifications team when certain users create an Access Request.

Step 2/5. Define RBAC resources

The Teleport Opsgenie plugin works by receiving Access Request events from the Teleport Auth Service and, based on these events, interacting with the Opsgenie API.

Create a requester role

To create a user first navigate to Management -> Access -> Roles

Then select 'Create New Role' and create the requester role.

kind: role
version: v5
  name: requester
      roles: ['editor']
        - approve: 1
          deny: 1
        teleport.dev/notify-services: ['teleport-access-request-notifications']
        teleport.dev/schedules: ['teleport-access-alert-schedules']

The teleport.dev/notify-services annotation specifies the schedules the alert will be created for. The teleport.dev/schedules annotation specifies the schedules the alert will check, and auto approve the Access Request if the requesting user is on-call.

Create a user who will request access

Create a user called myuser who has the requester role. Later in this guide, you will create an Access Request as this user to test the Opsgenie plugin:

To create a user first navigate to Management -> Access -> Users

Then select 'Create New User' and create a user with the requester role.

Step 3/5. Set up an Opsgenie API key

Generate an API key that the Opsgenie plugin will use to create and modify alerts as well as list users, services, and on-call policies.

In your Opsgenie dashboard, go to SETTINGS → INTEGRATIONS

See https://support.atlassian.com/opsgenie/docs/create-a-default-api-integration/ for more details.

Step 4/5. Configure the Opsgenie plugin

At this point, you have generated credentials that the Opsgenie plugin will use to connect to the Opsgenie API. To configure the plugin to use this API key navigate to Management -> Integrations -> Enroll New Integration.

Step 5/5. Test the Opsgenie plugin

Create an Access Request

As the Teleport user myuser, create an Access Request for the editor role:

A Teleport admin can create an Access Request for another user with tctl:

tctl request create myuser --roles=editor

Users can use tsh to create an Access Request and log in with approved roles:

tsh request create --roles=editor
Seeking request approval... (id: 8f77d2d1-2bbf-4031-a300-58926237a807)

Users can request access using the Web UI by visiting the "Access Requests" tab and clicking "New Request":

In Opsgenie, you will see a new alert containing information about the Access Request in either the default schedule specified when enrolling the plugin, or in the schedules specified by teleport.dev/notify-services annotation in the requester's role.

Resolve the request

Once you receive an Access Request message, click the link to visit Teleport and approve or deny the request:

You can also review an Access Request from the command line:

Replace REQUEST_ID with the id of the request

tctl request approve REQUEST_ID
tctl request deny REQUEST_ID

Replace REQUEST_ID with the id of the request

tsh request review --approve REQUEST_ID
tsh request review --deny REQUEST_ID
Auditing Access Requests

When the Opsgenie plugin sends a notification, anyone who receives the notification can follow the enclosed link to an Access Request URL. While users must be authorized via their Teleport roles to review Access Request, you should still check the Teleport audit log to ensure that the right users are reviewing the right requests.

When auditing Access Request reviews, check for events with the type Access Request Reviewed in the Teleport Web UI.